Let Light fill your darkness
and Peace fill your question
Let Love fill your emptiness
and Joy fill your heart...
Om Shanti,
Today I am sharing with you a beautiful song recorded on my first album "Beauty & Power".
My dear friend Steve, a wonderful pianist in my band now and a producer of both of my albums, wrote the lyrics 6 years ago and offered it me at the Christmas time to fill it will music. A few months later, at 5pm in the morning the music came, clear and beautiful and we recorded it on that day so now you can hear this version on my album performed on the piano by Steve. Today I am sharing this song paying my tribute to him and our journey together. One day I shared it played with the hammered dulcimer, and I must say, I love this version too!
Enjoy chanting for your Light, Peace, Love and Joy!
Om Shanti,
a Reminder: Monday the 21st of December at 6pm
Winter Solstice Celebration with Chanting for Healing and Transformation - Live zoom session - REGISTER FOR THE EVENT HERE!
Ps. Would you spare a minute and write a short testimonial about your experience so far with our daily chanting? You can do it as a comment to the blog or send me private message to my e-mail: magdalena_atkinson@yahoo.co.uk
DONATIONS: It is a donation based 40 days retreat of healing accessible by all. To contribute your donation use the PAYPAL link https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MagdalenaAtkinson or use the tickets link https://www.magdalenaatkinson.co.uk/event-details/part-4-of-chanting-for-healing-and-transformation-new-beginning-path
to free, blissful, bountiful, abundant or celebration tickets Please sign up for my newsletter to be updated www.magdalenaatkinson.co.uk Event Photo cover by Jan Kasparec http://jankasparec.com