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  • Magdalena Atkinson
  • Magdalena Atkinson
  • Magdalena Atkinson

Day 30 - Be aware - 40 Days Chanting for Healing and Transformation

Writer's picture: Magdalena AtkinsonMagdalena Atkinson

Be aware, be free, be present, be here

be loved, be healed, be strong, be free...

Om Shanti,

I would like to share with you today an important message which fits perfectly into our song of today. The idea to hold the space for 40 days in this particular time of Great Change on our planet came to me and many others aware of the magic of TODAY as a gift and a reminder to be aware that something big and amazing as amazing as we can not imagine yet is likely to happen or is happening now. We don't really need many proves to know that we are experiencing something major in the history, a moment to be remembered, yet the vibration of this moment can be consumed by fear or by trust or even ignored. Today I would love to share with you a message which for me is very important and adds to all what is going on on our planet from another point of view. I follow the amazing German astrophysicist, Dieter Broers. His sharing are astounding. We are currently under the amazing influence coming from our galactic centre. This galactic centre has been described as the black whole, which lies in the constellation of Sagittarius. In truth black wholes are portal to other dimensions (the Nobel prize in physics this year came to professor Sir Roger Penrose who confirms it in their research). According to the research of Dieter Broers and the international group of researchers, we are going through the rebirth process and awakening. It has already resulted in the very dynamic volcanic activity around the globe, the unmeasured before spikes in Shumman Resonance but what is the most spectacular it may result in the 0 point in the magnetic field of the Earth lasting from 3-5 days. It has been explained that this happened before on our planet, in a dynamic or passive way. A dynamic way in the past impacted the shift of the tectonic platforms, but in a passive way it is not the case, and we are going through that transition. A lack of magnetic field may trigger the experiences which so far has been experienced by astronauts, who often had amazing spiritual awakening while being out in the space, which changed their life and attitudes for ever. What is amazingly important is to focus on our heart as it is our own magnetic instrument, which needs to be strong and open during the time of transition. According to scientists the shift may happen on the 14th of Dec (on the New Moon and Solar Eclipse), or between the 14th to 21st. We may feel and see some the physical signs of it inside us and around us, we may not. He suggest to stay at home, mediate (Merkaba meditation is one of his recommendation) and elevate the heart. You may prefer to stay at home as the radiation might be very strong. If you don't feel well, don't worry, it will pass. I feel I need to share it, because it is BEAUTIFUL and positive! The time is NOW, let's don't miss it. The more open we are the more magic may literally come to our life and this Planet. Why not? I love this preparation time, our 40 days Chanting for healing and transformation fits in the process amazingly, together with the mantra for this time: "I don't understand fully what is happening right now, but I know for sure that something big and amazing, as amazing as I can not imagine yet is happening now!" Chant with me, if you resonate!

Be aware, be free, be present, be here

be loved, be healed, be strong, be free...

Reminder: Monday the 14th of December at 6pm

to celebrate New Moon Chanting and the Solar Eclypse- Live zoom session - REGISTER FOR THE EVENT HERE!

Om Shanti


Ps. Would you spare a minute and write a short testimonial about your experience so far with our daily chanting? You can do it as a comment to the blog or send me private message to my e-mail:

DONATIONS: It is a donation based 40 days retreat of healing accessible by all. To contribute your donation use the PAYPAL link or use the tickets link

to free, blissful, bountiful, abundant or celebration tickets Please sign up for my newsletter to be updated Event Photo cover by Jan Kasparec

*Here is a link to the interview with this scientist in Polish

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